18 Pollards Hill West - The Brambles - Goes to Appeal

18 Pollards Hill West was once a large detached habitable dwelling and after years of neglect, the unfortunate outcome is likely to be full demolition of the existing dwelling and a new development, although many residents would love the house to be restored to its former glory. The site had approval for 5 detached houses, granted by the local authority, back in 2017. The planning committee at the time, choose to ignore the warnings presented by ward councillor Mansell (deceased 2019), PHRA and local residents. The developer then decided to come back with another Planning Application for 9 dwellings in 2019, with the subsequent planning permission for 5 houses expiring in 2020. Evidently the developer must have realised there wasn’t enough profit in building just 5 houses when coupled with the costly inherent issues associated with developing the site. The current and ongoing proposed in-fill development, may cause harm to the existing housing stock, in its current format. Please tap the following link for more information - Planning Applications — Pollards Hill Residents' association (PHRA). There will be an article regarding the chequered planning history of this site, coming soon. You can also go to the Planning Applications tab, to read more.

Update - The time for the submission of comments to the inspectorate has now lapsed. The PHRA would like to thank all residents who gave up their personal time to assist with the pubic consultation process and provide robust comments (in some cases more than once) to the local authority and the inspectorate. This is now the end of the road for PHRA involvement and the final decision will be provided via the appeals case officer, in due course.