PHRA AGM 2023 a huge success !

A turn up for the books ! With the venue being the Norbury Library Community Room, doors opened at 6:30pm, a queue formed to get in and we reached the maximum venue capacity by 7:00pm, far exceeding our expectation’s. A fantastic evening, enjoyed by all - Tea, Coffee and biscuits provided and guest speakers on the night Mayor Jason Perry, Ken Hume of James Alexander (local estate agents), Local Safer Neighbourhood Team and an impromptu bonus guest speaker, Cllr Roche Cabinet member for Streets and Environment. Pollards Hill, is once again a buzzing community. A lot of ground was covered on the evening by our guest speakers - the feedback has all been positive. Thanks must go to all of the amazing guest speakers on the night, to the PHRA Committee for making it happen and most importantly our members.